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Unlocking significant savings

Organisations that have taken on a smart energy solution find attractive payback periods within 4-5 years with long-term savings up to 25 years.

Reducing maintenance costs and improving reliability

Smart energy solutions can identify problems before they occur and reduce the load and operating hours of machinery and equipment. This often improves production uptime, reduces labour and component costs, and extends the useful life of the asset.

Smart energy financing model

Achieve maximum benefit with no capital outlay by gearing the energy savings made to self-fund the majority of the project.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Improving energy productivity and exploring different sources of energy can dramatically reduce an organisation's carbon footprint and associated carbon costs.

Increased asset value

By implementing new energy efficient technology to your building your asset value increases and you have the advantage of attracting more potential tenants.

Reputational benefits

A strategic approach to energy management can demonstrate good corporate citizenship and improve the social attractiveness of your business.

Get a total solution

An Aeronergy smart energy assessor will correctly identify your site needs and power profile and design a solution using a combination of technologies to achieve the best possible energy saving.

Aeronergy partnership

Successful power management is about on-going support and collaboration. Aeronergy will continue to monitor your site after installation so further improvements can be made. We can also assist you in negotiating better tariffs from your power retailer.

Guard yourself from future power increase

Many businesses have already felt the impact of rising energy costs. A smart energy solution offsets these costs, making energy - efficient organisations less vulnerable to future price increases.

solar energy benefits

Solar power for your business

Reduce your carbon footprint, lead your industry sector, lower your cost of energy and stay ahead of your competitors.

200kW solar project for W&S Plastics.

About Aeronergy

Aeronergy specialised in energy efficiency technology and have implemented smart energy solutions to thousands of business all across Australia. Our mission is to deliver innovative power solutions to Australian business.

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